Saturday, March 15, 2014

In which I am posing a question in the form of a prayer

You, Christ, use things to fill me up; the sound of bells distant and golden sunshine illuminating the green trees, a hummingbird, a conversation, piano music spreading over the hall. Are they your way of filling and sustaining me? Ought I not to be satisfied in you alone? Should those external things seem so to fill me and be drips of the waterfall where I hold my cup? Are they your way of showing me your quiet and overflowing beauty in abundant measure, the brimming-ness of your character? Or is it just me delighting and wondering in the creation rather than the Creator to whom I owe all affection, devotion, adoration, delight, praise and attention?

Am I right to see such moments as a filling up; giving thanks to you for them as your provision? Or do I mistake them for more than simply the ordinary?


How do you know when you have gotten stuck on the beauty of the creation and failed to ascend to worshiping the beauty of its Creator?

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