Saturday, February 22, 2014

go out

there may be eighty seven
ragged souls in this loud room
how many known?
Not even one
not even completely

Look at their faces
caught unawares
at rest
hopeful or weary
peaceful or pain-full
it’s in the eyes,
gleams like fire caught flickering
rosy dawn shimmering
wild storm flashes
high-tossing waves.

Can I dare to look and see?

go outside the limp shape
that is my own soul and try
to see the shape of another?

Friday, February 21, 2014


Faces tanned and angled
by the fingertips of the land
dragged across bright eyes
and thin-curved lips-
the red rich dirt
the fertility of the earth
has settled into the soul of these people,
themselves soujourners
in this land which flows
with gold and honey.


The Studio

"Oxford had really represented to us two things so intertwined that we did not clearly distinguish them. One was the apostolic faith in its fullness, as represented by C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams. The other was high civilisation, sweet reason, and the life of the mind, which was no less represented by Lewis and Williams as well as many others. Religiously, we longed for the lively life in Christ, but we did not fully see that we were equally longing for the lively life of the mind - the delights of conversation at once serious and gay, which is, whatever its subject, Christ or poetry or history, the ultimately civilised thing. When we spoke of the lively life in Christ, we meant keenness, to be sure, but we also meant the subtle discourse on the meanings of Christ's way that is, in fact, only possible among highly articulate and civilised Christians."
                       ~Sheldon Vanauken, from A Severe Mercy

It Is Not In Mourning

It is not in mourning that I cease to be
counted as blessed. It is not in the blackness(for at least night has stars) but in grayness &
Do not pity me so, friend, in my wailing.

When I have forgotten (to notice the trees is when) you've lost me.
When I care no more for the aching horizon it is when
I can no longer smell the potted plants, just outside.

Because now, it takes everything within me to slip these words through my bones
like a refugee slipping through prison bars
and it takes me. It takes all of me just to say

It is not in mourning that I cease to be.
